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Cheri MacDonald posted a condolence
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Sharing condolences, thought and prayers to all of Nyall’s family. We went to school together. He was such a great guy; fun and easy going and always makes me think of Pink Floyd!! My deepest sympathies.
Sam Morgulis posted a condolence
Saturday, August 26, 2023
To: Bob and Marie Kelly and Nyall's family
Please accept our sincere condolences on the passing of Nyall.
Sam Morgulis and Anne Hotchkis
Debbie & Leonard Mol posted a condolence
Saturday, August 26, 2023
Bob and Family
Our sincere condolences to you and Nyall's family.
Debbie & Leonard Mol
Jontus Walker posted a condolence
Thursday, August 24, 2023
With a heavy heart I offer my most sincere condolences! We appreciated all of Nyall's hard work as one of our system's architects! May his memory ever be celebrated in the hearts of those who loved and respected him. Sending warm thoughts and prayers of comfort from his friends and coworkers at eHealth Technologies!
Gillian Shipe posted a condolence
Thursday, August 24, 2023
My condolences to Nyall's family. I know he was loved by his eHealth family and very well respected.
Felicia Spencer posted a condolence
Thursday, August 24, 2023
So sorry to hear about Nyall's passing. We didn't work together directly but we had brief interactions at work. My condolences to the family.
Jason minard posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Nyall was an amazing person. He was my best friend back in high school. I learned so much from him. He will be missed.
Catherine and Bob Fletcher posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Our Sincere Condolences to all the family
Lynn and Tuet you will be in our thoughts as we share the feelings that you will have after loosing a child
You have great memories and those memories will pull you through each day Hugs to you both❤️❤️
Catherine and Bob Fletcher
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David and Miriam Smallwood pledged to donate to Provincial Palliative Care Centre
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Our very deepest sympathy.
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Cindy & Denton Affleck posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Deepest condolences to all the family. Thinking of you Lynn and Tut. May you find comfort in the many memories you have.
Alanna Vreeland posted a condolence
Monday, August 21, 2023
I remember Nyall when he was a youth - very quiet and humble with a great sense of humour. What struck me most after he grew up, was his profound love for his wife June and for his children. It was the kind of love that leaves its mark forever.
Connie McCardle posted a condolence
Monday, August 21, 2023
If music gives you comfort, as I believe it did Nyall, I want to dedicate this song to his memory. I WILL SING YOU HOME BY ENNIS. If you have a song that reminds you of Nyall you can sing him home in your own heart.
Connie ( sorry Lynn !)
John and Mary Heckbert donated to PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND HUMANE SOCIETY
Monday, August 21, 2023
To all of Nyall’s family we extend our deepest condolences on the passing of such a beautiful courageous young man.
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Marion & Freeman Trowbridge posted a condolence
Sunday, August 20, 2023
June, Ayva, Liam, Family & Friends, During times of loss we find ourselves troubled by things we do not understand. There are no answers to comfort your grief, only lasting love and precious memories. We are thinking of you all during this very sad time.
The Kelly family lived beside our son in Cornwall and we always enjoyed chatting with Nyall, June, Ayva & Liam everytime we visited our son. Our hearts go out to you all.
Kevin Brooks posted a condolence
Sunday, August 20, 2023
In my time working with Nyall, I remember him as a kind soul.
Joan Crighton posted a condolence
Sunday, August 20, 2023
How sad to lose such a kind and wonderful person. I was so pleased to see him this summer, and wish I could have gotten to know him better. My thoughts are with his family and close friends at this sad time.
Joan Crighton
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Dear Bob, Lynn, Marie, Tuet, Jessica, Nicole and Ian,
Please accept my sincere condolances on the passing of Nyall. I did not have fhe pleasure of knowing his immediate family, or all his uncles and aunts, but it appears that he grew into the sweet, intelligent, humourous boy he was. My thoughts are with you all.
Mary (Carson) Callaghan
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Betty & Mike Gregory posted a condolence
Sunday, August 20, 2023
To all the family of Nyall. We are so sad for you all and you will miss this wonderful brave member of your family. He helped us all know him better with visits to the shore and we are thankful for that. You are all in our thoughts.
With love
Betty & Mike
Sylvia & Bill Ridgway posted a condolence
Sunday, August 20, 2023
How sad we all are to have lost Nyall. He was such a good natured & caring young man & will be so missed by everyone,
especially his family. Our love goes out to you all. Keep his memory safe in your hearts.
Love Sylvia, Bill & family.
Charles posted a condolence
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Such sad news, but I’m thankful I got to know Nyall better the last couple of years. His long texts full of happy face emojis and witty upbeat commentary in the face of what he was going through was a sign of a truly brave and kind soul.
Sending all our love from us here in Ottawa.
Hang in there you guys!
Carol Waddell posted a condolence
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Lynn.....soooo saddened to learn of Nyall's passing. Too many special family members have passed. Hugs Lynn
Lynn Cousins posted a condolence
Saturday, August 19, 2023
Bob, Lynn and family:
Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this time. Hugs,
Lynn (DesRoches)Cousins, Martin, and Riley
Saturday, August 19, 2023
My sympathies to the Kelly family.
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Christabelle Kux-Kardos posted a condolence
Saturday, August 19, 2023
Too young this round on earth school.
Barely had time to hear the words he had to say.
Listen closely and he will be there.
Sending Love and Light to all from Big Schmee and family in BC.
Randy Robertson posted a condolence
Saturday, August 19, 2023
So sorry to hear about Nyall's passing. Had so many fond memories working with Nyall at Kodak and Carestream. I recall a great work trip with Nyall to New Orleans for a conference. We enjoyed our time together and I always looked forward to seeing Nyall and getting caught up. Condolences to the entire family.
Randy Robertson
Connie & Joe McCardle posted a condolence
Friday, August 18, 2023
Hello to all Nyall's family: This is his Auntie Connie, Nyall and I have been texting for a long time now and we developed the most beautiful relationship, such an easy person to converse with. We shared music and cancer experiences and so much more. I told him how brave he was and how proud I was to be his aunt, and I was. He will be missed but there was a whole host of angels waiting for him, now they are the happy ones. I know how all of you will miss him, Joe and I send our love and caring concern to all.
The family of Nyall Patrick Kelly uploaded a photo
Friday, August 18, 2023

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Our Location
Hillsboro Funeral Home
2 Hollis Avenue
Stratford, PEI
C1B 1P3
Phone: (902) 569-5689
Fax: (902) 569-4988
2 Hollis Ave.
Stratford, PE
C1B 1P3