Tribute Wall

Melinda Hambly posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Hello to the many family and friends of Dons'.
This is a brief message of appreciation to all who knew Donald aka Bubbles.
I had the opportunity and privilege of being with Sherrie and Don during his last weeks and final moments.
I had met so many kind and caring folks while on the "Island", including their awesome neighbour's.
My heart goes out to those of you who have lost; their young brother (Gail / Ralph and Lynn / Al), their father (Jenn and Tara), their father-in-law, grandfather, uncle or cousin.
I also met those who have lost their friend.... my sincerest condolences to each of you.
My mother in law Sherrie has been struck a huge blow. Don was Sherries life long friend and partner.
He will continue to be remembered within each of us because he was "simply the best"
I want to thank everyone for their care and support of Sherrie and Don.
My gratitude and empathy extends to Dons' doctor "Jason", and all of the medical and support staff at the QE and Palliative Program in Charlottetown.
Thank you to the funeral home for providing sensitive and compassionate after life care.
Also sending kudos and a huge thank you to Elwood and Nancy Lawton (sp) who's barn was a quite literally a "port in a storm" for Don's Celebration of Life.
Take care,
Carol Wingo posted a condolence
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
I wanted to offer my condolences to the family of Don Currie, especially to his daughter, Jennifer Gouldburn, of Ontario. I've known Jennifer since she was a young girl in Scarborough, Ontario. She and my late daughter, Jennifer Holland, grew up together in Scarborough until we moved to Alberta in 1989. They used to go to school, Brownies and dancing together ❤️. We always knew Jennifer spent her summers in Calgary with her Dad and his family. Again, my deepest sympathy to all of Don's family and friends. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Carol Wingo (Jennifer (nee Maher) Holland's mother) of Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta.
Philippe Chevalier posted a condolence
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Am saddened to learn of the passing of Donnie.
As I reflect on times spent in his company, I am reminded of his incredible sense of humour. His witty remarks and his unparalleled impersonations never failed to make me laugh.
Please accept my heartfelt condolences during this difficult time.
- Philippe Chevalier, Vancouver BC
Keith & Janet Altass posted a condolence
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
We were sorry to read of Don's passing. May the special memories you have help you through this difficult time.
Our deepest sympathy to you & your family.
Keith & Janet Altass (neighbours)
Cheryl Taylor posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
I met Don in Calgary when he started dating Sherrie. I loved the two of them together, what a wonderful match. I will cherish many memories of Don: his intelligence and business savvy, his kindness and wisdom, his taste in music and, most of all, his wit. Who can forget his “special swim trunks” that he would wear in the hot tub. Who can forget his famous impression of Bubbles. Don could have us shrieking and peeing with laughter in no time flat. I consider myself very blessed to know him and be counted as one of his friends. Shalom Don (nothing missing, nothing broken). My heartfelt condolences to Sherrie and all the loved ones.
- Cheryl Taylor, Calgary
Tara Antosh posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
So many memories of Dad that I will cherish forever.
He helped to teach me how to read using a big stuffed Eeyore animal. And he always loved listening to music at home. Watching Hockey Night in Canada with him every week will always be a treasured memory as well.
I'll always remember his fierce competitive nature when playing sports or playing games. And every time I look at my own feet, I'll remember him -- because my feet look exactly like his! A carbon copy.
Sending my love to everyone who knew and loved him. Especially to my sister Jennifer, his sisters Lynn and Gail, and to my stepmother, Sherrie.
Love you, Dad
Leslie Benner posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Don was a very good man, he had a wonderful sense of humor and a way with people. He loved to make people laugh, we had a lot of fun over the years. Hugs to you Sherrie, so sorry for your loss. RIP Don we will miss you.
Dell Rodway posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Don will be missed by all that knew and loved him, from all chapters of his life. I met Don in 1977 in Calgary. We had lots of laughs and some tears through our married years. His girls were always an integral part of his life, even though geography kept them from seeing each other often. Don's love of life was a strong component of our time together. I still remember how excited he was when I bought him his first guitar! Don is at peace now, but he will still be listening to his tunes...
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Jerry McLeod posted a condolence
Monday, May 15, 2023
I first met Don almost thirty years ago here in Calgary & we immediately became good friends. I have always been impressed with his intellect, but moreover his great sense of humour. He had the unique ability to mimic any oddball character that you would see on a movie or tv screen & leave you rolling with laughter. After Sherrie & him moved to P.E.I our visits to their home & excursions around the island always brought laughter, great food & libations of course.....great times we'll never forget. Taken away from us way too young, leaving with the ongoing question.....why??? One thing I do know, God will be good to this good man!!!!
SGD: Jerry & Doreen McLeod, Calgary
Deborah uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 15, 2023


My sincerest condolences, Don will always be missed
Love Debbie Lestage
Charles MacKenzie uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 15, 2023

Thank you Donald Bruce for being a thoughtful, steadfast life-long friend.
Memories of our sojourn through Europe and northern Africa when we were 19 and 18 shall live in my mind forever
… here we are departing Halifax in 1973, first time on a plane and no doubt a fair bit wet behind the ears!
you on the right for those who may wonder, BL in the middle, and me on the left.
May your new journey be as wondrous, my friend.
Charles/Charlie/Chucker/Ole 99 MacKenzie
The family of Donald Bruce Currie BBA, MBA uploaded a photo
Monday, May 15, 2023

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Our Location
Hillsboro Funeral Home
2 Hollis Avenue
Stratford, PEI
C1B 1P3
Phone: (902) 569-5689
Fax: (902) 569-4988
2 Hollis Ave.
Stratford, PE
C1B 1P3