Tribute Wall

Cathy Fairgrieve Klomp uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, November 5, 2022

Cathy Fairgrieve Klomp Posted Nov 5, 2022 at 9:25 PM
Ross &Sheila Harrington posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Sincere Sympathy to Mike and all the family at the death of Cornelia.
Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
Ross & Sheila Harrington
Roger Moore posted a condolence
Thursday, October 20, 2022
I want to express my sympathy. May God comfort and strengthen each of you during this sad and difficult time...and may He grant you His peace.
Hugs...and MOORE hugs....
Mark Bell posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
The picture you have chosen to represent Corrie is perfect. I had the pleasure of dining at her table several times with Father Gerard Chaisson - her “Shepherd” - as she called him. With that beautiful “r” sound with her Dutch/English accent - it would ring out with particular respect and glee - “ShepheRd”. Corrie set the table with love each and every time and showered that same love on me, her guest. I had the pleasure of visiting Corrie this past August and I am so glad I did - in the company of Father Gerard - her “ShepheRd”. May the Good Shepherd take you home to your rest Corrie. Eternally and peacefully.
Mark Bell
Sean Fairgrieve uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Oma was a very strong, loving, and deeply wonderful person. She loved entertaining, always insisting that her food was better than any restaurant and had an infectious kindness and passion for giving. Oma was always quick to let you know, often with her wit, her opinion on whatever the topic of conversation was. Not much got past Oma and she stayed sharp for all of the years I had the pleasure to know her..
When I was younger, she would regularly knit socks every Christmas, and when we visited, she had chocolates in the fridge and home-made bread on a cooling rack, ready for the day. Then, we would inevitably watch Jeopardy together, walk the Charlottetown boardwalk, share some Cows ice cream, and play board games. Of course, I never won a single game because Oma was just too good at them. She knew it too; wearing a sly smile every time she made a move that brought her closer to victory.
Oma would always ask lots of questions about life on the other end of the phone. She took a genuine interest and loved hearing about how and what we were up to. Oma’s heart was so big and she brought so much love and respect to all who had the pleasure to know her. Of all of the things in this world that are certain, it is that the Sun shines brighter because she was a part of it.
I miss you, I love you, and I’m so glad I got to know you and to call you Oma.
Love Sean
The family of Cornelia Francina Klomp uploaded a photo
Monday, October 17, 2022

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Hillsboro Funeral Home
2 Hollis Avenue
Stratford, PEI
C1B 1P3
Phone: (902) 569-5689
Fax: (902) 569-4988
2 Hollis Ave.
Stratford, PE
C1B 1P3