Tribute Wall

Rita coady posted a condolence
Sunday, March 24, 2024
My dearest kind hearted,and loving brother Albert. We shared all our great memories of growing up together and we loved to talk and reminisce about those days. I always knew how important our relationship would be as a sibling .you were there from the beginning. But the one person that is there from the beginning and stays till the end is our siblings. They are the person who gets to experience every single version of you ,from your most authentic childhood self, to your teenage self, and to your adult self, and eventually your elderly self. They are the only ones who will know what it is like to grieve your grandparents, your mother,and your father. And the only ones who will know exactly what it was like to grow up in your childhood home. To experience Christmas mornings with your parents. And all those special moments. I always thought you would be here till the end with me as we were the youngest. But the master took you to a pain free home, and I am happy for that. I miss our talks, I miss you not being here,I miss your voice, and I love you forever. But I know We will meet again . RIP ALBERT.
rosalie posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Dear Brother, Albert,
You were the kindest caring person I ever knew with the biggest smile. You were not a big talker but when you spoke, it was clear & decisive.
I think you were sent to earth to care for others because that is what you did. You met your many life’s challenges with quiet strength. You were not one to complain ever or ask for anything.
Nancy was the love of your life the bond you had was evident to all. Your dedication to her was all loving. You took care of Mom and Dad with the same love & kindness. Jesus said of all the commandments, ‘the greatest of these is love’. You had that kind of love Albert. That was evident by all the stories from your neighbors at Duwar Crt.
You were so loved by your nieces and nephews & they loved visiting you while on PEI.
I will love & miss you until we meet again in that heavenly kingdom. RIP Albert.
Krista McCloskey uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, January 4, 2024




'Kind,'compassionate,'caregiver' are some of the words I would use to describe our uncle Albert. He did not have an easy life but was not one for self pity; he spent more time worrying about others than he did himself. Spending many years caring for our nana, his mom, Frances, then later his wife Nancy, is evidence of his huge heart and genuine concern for others. He gained his passage to heaven through his selflessness.
This summer the boys and I had a long visit with him. I am so glad we did.
God bless you Uncle Albert
Kim Whalen posted a condolence
Thursday, January 4, 2024
Uncle Albert, always such a kind man with such a big heart. Always so welcoming and happy to see us on summer trips to the island. We love you and miss you.♥️♥️
Alma Gallant posted a condolence
Thursday, January 4, 2024
Our condolences to Nancy and Albert’s family. Albert was a kind gentle soul that helped a lot of people.
Alma & Chip Gallant
Tracy Anthony uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, January 3, 2024


Brian and Paulette Duffy posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Sorry to read about your loss of Albert. Sincere sympathies to all the families.
Emmett cindy clow posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Emmett cindy clow
Sorry for your loss of Albert your in our thoughts and prayers
Edwin and Susan Corrigan posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Hi everyone our condolence and prayers go out to all. Edwin and Susan Corrigan.
Walena MacLaren posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Condolences to Lawrence, Freda and the McGuirk family on the passing of Albert. Rest In Peace.
Debbie Laverty posted a condolence
Monday, January 1, 2024
Sending our condolences to Lawrence, Bernice, Henry, Rosealie and Rita on the passing of their brother, Albert. He had a heart of gold & a kind soul, Rest in Peace, Debbie & Gabriel Laverty
The family of Albert Thomas McGuirk uploaded a photo
Monday, January 1, 2024

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Our Location
Hillsboro Funeral Home
2 Hollis Avenue
Stratford, PEI
C1B 1P3
Phone: (902) 569-5689
Fax: (902) 569-4988
2 Hollis Ave.
Stratford, PE
C1B 1P3